Wine & Dine on CloudNine...

When you stay on CloudNine you definitely do not go hungry. Here at CloudNine we are proud to present you with some of the finest dining in town. We have a beautiful restaurant location with amazing views of course. At CloudNine we have some of the greatest culinary minds working hard behind the scenes to deliver you an amazing dining experience worthy of the heavens.

Our menu is full of delicious and diverse meals that are sure to tantilize your taste buds. We also offer a selection of fine wines as vast as the heavens. Don't worry, our knowledgable service staff is always there to recommend the perfect pairing.

You can truly put yourself on cloud nine when you are dining with us here at CloudNine. Please stop in and check out our menu any time. The restaurant is open for lunch from 11:00 am - 3pm and dinner from 5pm - 10pm